Sep 17Liked by Megan Hogg

I have no words…how do you find the words, my friend? 😭 Beauty and process(ing) in the mundane. I’m so grateful to know you and be able to read your beautiful work.

I also haven’t been to the dentist in a year for many of these same reasons 😂 Why is it SO hard?!

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You are always so kind, Katy. I’m grateful to know YOU! Also if you ever *really* want to go to the dentist, drop your kids at my house and go!!! ❤️

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Sep 17Liked by Megan Hogg

Beautiful. Your work in the world -- at home and with words is enough 💗 (And when you want to work outside home again, you can and you'll know!)

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Erin! This comment was a little balm to my soul. Thank you so much ❤️

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Beautiful, as always.

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Thank you for reading and for your kind words, Suzie!! It means a lot :)

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Teeth flossing suffices- and if you don’t get to that too, brushing is enough. And if you forget ask don’t want to tonight (like me last night), moderate brushing will get you through. Yay for puddle magic to break up the mundane!

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Jumping in puddles somehow solves a lot, doesn’t it?! And lol to moderate teeth brushing… we can only do so much! 😂

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Beautifully said. 🩵 Sometimes I feel like our current pace of life / culture makes us think about all that we are or aren't doing much too much. But, how loved are those boys of yours?!!

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